
For information about Senate actions in progress, see the Final Agenda for each meeting in the Minutes section.

Note that approved motions of the Faculty Senate become official record after the minutes from the meeting in which the motions passed are approved.  This generally takes place at the following scheduled meeting of the Senate.

Summary of Motions from AY 2024-2025

  • Senate Passes Motion XXIX-M10 Move Senate to In-Person, 1/27/2025
  • Senate Passes Motion XXIX-M9 Resolution on Investigator Overhead Return Accounts, 1/27/2025
  • Senate Passes Motion XXIX-M8 Accommodation for Students Representing UNH, 1/27/2025
  • Senate Passes Motion XXIX-M7 Adaptation of Special Rule for Senate XXIX, 11/25/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXIX-M6 Resolution Requiring Administrative Consideration of Faculty Time as a Limited Resource in Strategic Decision-Making, 11/25/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXIX-M5 Creation of a Special Committee of Senate for Artificial Intelligence, 11/25/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXIX-M4 Endorse the report from the Academic Programs Committee (APC) titled APC Report on the Implementation of IDEA, 10/28/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXIX-M3 Discovery Committee Motion to Grant Student Senate Request that Musical Ensembles Count for FPA Credit, 9/30/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXIX-M2 Resolution on Safety Freedoms and Transparency in response to the May Day Rally for Palestine, 5/13/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXIX-M1 Relocation of collections and services of the Chemistry Library, 5/6/2024

Summary of Motions from AY 2023-2024

  • Senate Passes Motion XXVIII-M14 Accommodations for Adaptive Sports Student Athletes at National and International Events, 5/6/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVIII-M13 To approve the rolling 5-year Academic Calendar, AY 2024-2025 through 2026-2027, 5/6/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVIII-M12 Resolution to reinstate the UNH Budget Advisory Committee with at least one UNH Faculty Senator on the committee, 5/6/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVIII-M11 Resolution to accept and endorse faculty senate reports on budget reset and other topics, 4/29/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVIII-M10 Cybersecurity Customization and Transparency, 4/29/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVIII-M9 Approval of University Honors Curriculum Framework, 4/29/2024 
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVIII-M8 General Education Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) Requirement, 4/22/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVII-M7 Resolution on Extension of Tuition Benefits, 3/4/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVII-M6 Basic Information for Course Syllabi, 3/4/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVII-M5 Consideration of Faculty Time, 3/25/2024
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVII-M4 Resolution on the Academic Mission & Shared Governance with USNH Enterprise Technology and Services (ET&S), 11/27/2023
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVII-M3 Constitutional Amendment to Dissolve the Faculty Senate Library Committee, 11/27/2023
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVII-M2 To Approve the Rolling 5-year Academic Calendar, AY 2027-2028, 11/27/2023
  • Senate Passes Motion XXVIII-M1 Draft Vision, Mission, Values Statement of the Hamel Honors and Scholars College, 10/16/2023 

Summary of Motions from AY 2022-2023

  • Senate Passes Motion XXVII-M11 UNH Endowment Investing and Sustainability Goals, 5/8/023
  • Senate passes Motion XXVII-M10 UNH-GSC Catalog Policies, 5/8/2023
  • Senate passes Motion XXVII-M9 Constitutional Amendment Re the Formation of CPS, 4/24/2023
  • Senate passes Motion XXVII-M8 2023 Ad Hoc Discovery Committee Membership, 4/17/2023
  • Senate passes Motion XXVII-M7 Resolution of Support re Earthquake in Syria and Turkey, 3/6/2023
  • Senate passes Motion XXVII-M6 Develop Ad Hoc 2023 Discovery Committee, 3/6/2023
  • Senate passes Motion XXVII-M5 Membership for Hamel Honors and Scholars Development and Implementation Committee, 2/20/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVII-M4 Establish a Joint-Committee for Hamel Honors and Scholars College Development and Implementation, 2/20/2023
  • Senate passes Motion XXVII-M3 Replace E-Terms Half-Terms with Terms 1-5, 12/12/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVII-M2 Changes to the Spring Break Calendar, 11/14/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVII-M1 Constitutional amendment removing restrictions on appointments of CCLEAR faculty, 11/14/2022

Summary of Motions from AY 2021-2022

  • Senate passes UNH/USNH Human Resources and Faculty Senate Joint Resolution on Shared Principles, 5/9/ 2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M26 Endorsing the Land, Water, and Life Acknowledgement Statement
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M25 Approving the Indigenous Peoples’ Land Acknowledgement Report
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M24 On Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access Faculty Activities, 5/9/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M23 A Constitutional Amendment on Agenda Committee Elections, 5/9/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M22 Resolution on Legislative Challenges to Academic and Professional Integrity, 5/9/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M21 To endorse UNH’s public statements affirming the university’s commitment to diversity, 5/2/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M20 Constitutional Amendment allowing any sitting Senate or serve on the AC, 4/25/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M19 Endorsement of Spring 2022 Report and Recommendations for Ad Hoc Committee on Student Evaluations of Teaching, 4/25/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M18 Faculty Senate opposes recommendation to engage in FDC, 3/28/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M17 to lift restrictions for online delivery of Inquiry, 3/28/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M16 to lift restrictions for online delivery of Dlabs, 3/28/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M15 SAC Resolution endorsing UNH Comprehensive Prevention Plan, 3/28/2023
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M14 to lift restriction of online delivery of Honors Courses, 3/7/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M13 a resolution of support for Ukraine and all affected by Russia's Invasion, 3/2/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M11 recognizing Andrew Colby, Liz Smith and Melina Elwy, 2/21/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M10 to endorse the AD Hoc General Education Review Committee recommendation, 2/7/2022
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M9 to endorse the Agenda Committee report and recommendations on the charges for the ad hoc committee on a Gen Ed Diversity Requirement, 11/29/21
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M8 to continue the suspension of restrictions for online courses through Summer 2022, 11/1/21
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M7 to approve the 5-year E-UNH Calendar, AY 2026-27, 11/1/21
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M6 to approve the 5-year Academic Calendar, AY 2026-27, 11/1/21
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M5 to approve the 5-year E-UNH Calendar, AY 2025-26, 10-18-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M4 to approve the 5-year Academic Calendar, AY 2025-26, 10-18-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M3 a Resolution on Faculty Responsibility and Authority over Course Content, Pedagogy, and Modality, 08-30-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M2 to endorse the Agenda Committee recommendations on membership for the General Education Diversity Requirement, 08-30-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXVI-M1 to endorse the Agenda Committee report and recommendations on the formation of the ad hoc General Education Review Committee (GERC), 08-30-21

Summary of Motions from AY 2020-2021                                                                

  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M27 on Student Success Efforts, 05-10-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M26 to expand access to MyWildcat Success, 05-10-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M25  a Resolution of Thanks to the Office of the Registrar 05-10-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M24 to make online Add/Drop permanent 05-10-21 
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M23 to create a new ad hoc committee on a General Education Diversity Requirement
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M22 to continue Motion XXV-M12 on Student Evaluations of Teaching for AY 2020-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M21 to RPSC Motion on Engaged Scholarship 05-03-21 
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M20 to Recommit and Create a New Ad Hoc Committee to Reassess the DRC recommendations 04-19-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M19 to form Ad Hoc Committee to Recommend Revisions to Course Evaluation Process 02-22-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M18 to continue the suspension of restrictions for online courses through COVID-19 Pandemic 02-22-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M17 on Academic Instruction during Curtailed Operations, 01-08-21
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M16 on support students as semester concludes, 12-07-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M15 to extend changes to the Add-Drop Procedures, 12-07-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M14 on end of semester survey questions for AY 20-21, 11-16-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M13 on Earlier Progress Reporting, 11-16-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M12 on Student Evaluation of Teaching for AY 2020-21,  11-2-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M11 on adjusting Common Exam Time for Spring 2021, 10-19-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M10 to modify the Academic Calendar for Spring 2021 to include two no-class days, 10-19-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M9 on Revised Spring 2021 Calendar, 10-05-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M8 on progress reports in an authorized platform other than WebCat, 10-05-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M7 to suspend online rules through Summer 2021, 10-05-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M6  on Faculty Discretion on Course Delivery Methods during the Pandemic Emergency, 07-13-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M5 to approve the Academic Calendar for Fall 2020, 07/13/20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M4 to suspend Faculty Senate rules for online courses for Fall 2020 06-29-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M3 to approve changes to ADD DROP procedure for fall 2020 06-29-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M2 on extending special rule for extraordinary electronic meetings 06-29-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXV-M1 on changing common exam time for Fall 2020 06-01-20

Summary of Motions from AY 2019-2020

  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M18 on including common language about the federal definition of a credit hour in syllabi 05-04-20  
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M17 a resolution of thanks to the UNH Academic Technology personnel
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M16 on the definition of student success 04-27-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M15 on the gender question on student evaluations of teaching 04-27-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M14 to endorse the Office of Student Life's Financial Assistance Funds 04-20-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M13 on expanding the scope of the Special Procedural Rule for Extraordinary Electronic Meetings 04-20-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M12 to suspend Faculty Senate rules for online courses for Summer 2020
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M11 on Pass Fail for Spring Semester 2020 03-30-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M10 on student evaluations of teaching for Spring 2020 03-23-20
  • ​Senate passes Motion XXIV-M9 to ratify Agenda Committee motion on Special Procedural Rule for Extraordinary Electronic Meetings 03-23-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M8 to amend the Membership section of the UCAPC charter 02-17-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M7 to approve the 5-year eUNH Academic Calendar 02-17-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M6 to approve the 5-year Academic Calendar 02-03-20
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M5 on allowing first term students to change 4 credits to pass/fail 12-9-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M4 on following NISTI guidelines 12-9-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M3 on myElements as a platform for Faculty Activity Reports (FAR) 11-4-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M2 to Amend the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate to reflect New and Renamed Departments 10-21-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIV-M1 on Relief from Mid-Semester Report for participants in the Early Assessment Pilot 09-23-19

Summary of Motions from AY 2018-2019

  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M30 to amend previously adopted Motion # XXIII – M19 regarding approval for the UNH Concurrent Credit Pilot Program  05-06-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M29 on Professional Names 05-06-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M28 on Universal Expectations for Syllabi 05-06-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M27 on Expanding Academic Engagement Across the Entire Week 04-29-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M26 on allowing Discovery credit for transferred 2.5 credit courses 04-29-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M25 on Awarding Transfer and Study Abroad Discovery Credit 04-29-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M24 on Indigenous Peoples's Day 04-29-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M23 on Outreach to Secondary Schools 04-15-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M22 on Assisting student recruitment through department website development 04-15-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M21 on the need for UNH family housing 04-15-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M20 on Shared Governance 04-01-2019
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M19 on approval for the UNH Concurrent Credit Pilot Program 03-18-19  (see also the amendment to this motion, Motion  XXIII-M30)
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M18 on using MyElements as a platform for Faculty Activity Reporting 03-18-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M17 on forming an ad hoc review committee for the Discovery Program 02-25-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M16 on support for a test optional admissions policy 02-25-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M15 on the Amorous Relationship Policy 02-25-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M14 on online Inquiry Attribute Courses 02-25-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M13 on the IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming 02-11-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M12 on endorsing the Agenda Committee report on the Start-Up policy 01-28-19
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M11 on a plan to respond to curtailed operations during the December final exam period 12-10-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M10 on acknowledging major holidays and observances 12-10-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M9 on need for a test proctoring facility and other resources 11-26-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M8 on including student representatives on some standing committees 11-30-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M7 to support the offering of online courses designated as Writing Intensive  11-30-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M6 on endorsement of executive summary of Faculty Senate SWOT results  10-15-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M5 to approve the 5-year Academic Calendar 10-15-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M4 on the recruitment of International Students 10-15-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M3 on amending the bylaws to add "Academic Program" to the table in Article 6  09-17-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M2 on amending the constitution to add a new paragraph describing the Academic Program Committee 09-17-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXIII-M1 on conditional admission of post-Gaokao students 06-19-18

* These motions will be published after the minutes from the May 6, 2019 meeting are approved at the August 26, 2019 meeting of the Faculty Senate.  Please contact the Faculty Senate office at if you would like to see a copy of the motion.

Summary of Motions from AY 2017-2018

  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M16 on start-up company policy 5-7-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M15 on study away eligibility pilot 5-7-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M14 - resolution on TSAS 5-7-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M13 on test optional admissions 4-30-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M12 on 8-week course evaluations 4-30-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M11 on use of FacultyEnlight 4-30-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M10 on exam policy last week of classes 4-30-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M9 on providing AEDs in campus buildings 3-19-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M8 on the use of the common exam time 3-19-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M7 urging COLA Dean to end pause on double counting in COLA 2-26-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M6 to adopt Discovery Committee charter 2-12-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M5 on non-Durham units establishing policy for travel reimbursement for senators' travel to meetings 1-29-18
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M4 to approve 5-year eUNH calendar 12-4-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M3 on policy for travel reimbursement for Senate business 12-4-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M2 on policy for make-up class day 9-25-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXII-M1 on model for mutual respect 9-11-17

Summary of Motions from AY 2016-2017

Status report on implementation of motions from Senate Session XXI (2-12-2018)

  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M18 on new teaching assessment process 5-8-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M17 on residential aspect of Hamel Honors and Scholars College 5-8-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M16 on the Writing Program/Committee 5-8-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M15 to amend SRRR leave of absence policy 5-8-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M14 to amend SRRR ajudication MISA violations 5-8-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M13 on a UNH tobacco-free policy 5-8-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M12 on UNH private ventures 5-8-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M11 to approve new 5-year calendar 5-1-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M10 to support the library budget proposal 4-17-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M9 to amend Senate bylaws, Section 4 4-3-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M8 on right-to-know requests 2-27-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M7 on Thanksgiving break 2017 2-27-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M6 on updates to MISA policy 1-30-17
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M5 on inclusion, civil discourse, free speech 12-5-16 
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M4 on questions added to online evaluations of teaching 12-5-16
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M3 to amend Senate bylaws, Section 6 11-7-16
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M2 on use of the Morin donation 10-24-16
  • Senate passes Motion XXI-M1 adjusting wording on transfer credit motion 10-24-16

Summary of Motions from AY 2015-2016

Status report on implementation of motions from Senate Session XX (2-20-2017)

  • Senate passes Motion XX-M34 to raise the GPA for Honors Program 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M33 to include student representatives on Standing Committees 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M32 on dialogue between administration and faculty on budget actions 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M31 to suspend revised RCM and reinstate Central Budget Committee 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M30 on active university support for child care 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M29 on transfer credit policy for two-year schools 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M28 for positive advocacy of Discovery 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M27 to encourage even distribution of Discovery seats 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M26 to end "decommissioning" of Discovery courses 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M25 on oversight authority of Discovery Committee 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M24 on double counting of Discovery courses 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M23 to leave Discovery Categories unchanged 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M22 to discontinue Discovery Dialogue 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M21 to retain Discovery writing and quantitative reasoning requirements 5-2-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M20 to add campus lactation rooms 4-25-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M19 to protect university lands 4-11-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M18 to amend constitution, Ag. Comm. may charge committees, act in summer 4-11-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M17 to amend constitution; Agenda Committee members must be tenured 4-11-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M16 to allow creation of subcommittees of senate standing committees 4-11-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M15 to amend UCAPC charter to include all senate-eligible faculty to vote 4-11-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M14 to establish permanent committees of the senate 4-11-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M13 on change to Add period 4-11-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M12 on implementing online student evaluations by Fall 2016 4-11-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M11 to stop level funding of Library Acquisitions Budget 3-21-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M10 to establish ad hoc Committee on Teaching Evaluation Standards March 21, 2016
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M9 on revising the SRRR, Sect 06.1.1, to clarify PAT advisors 2-15-2016
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M8 on cancelling classes the Wednesday before Thanksgiving 2-1-16
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M7 to delay decision on approving policy on start-ups 12-7-15
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M6 on reinstating Central Budget Committee 12-7-15
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M5 policy for approval of interdisciplinary courses 11-23-15
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M4 on wording Q4,6,10 UNH online eval of teaching 10-26-15
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M3 to approve eTerm Calendar for AY'17 10-26-15
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M2 change online wording Honors Convoc attendance 9-28-15
  • Senate passes Motion XX-M1 on forming ad-hoc comm. to investigate alternatives to UNH semester system 9-14-15

Summary of Motions from AY 2014-2015

Summary of Motions from AY 2013-2014

Status report on implementation of motions from Senate Session XVIII (2-5-15)

Summary of Motions from AY 2012-2013

  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M22 on establishing ad-hoc committee for non-tenure track faculty, 5/6/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M21 on lecturer letter of employment, 5/6/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M20 on lecturer observers, 5/6/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M19 on lecturer contracts, 5/6/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M18 on hiring practices, 5/6/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M17 on promotion and tenure standards, 4/29/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M16 on teacher evaluations, 4/29/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M15 on library support, 4/15/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M14 on renumbering Thompson School courses, 4/15/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M13 on review for department course changes in mode or time, 3/18/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M12 on review for discovery and writing course changes in mode or time, 3/18/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M11 on the Honors Program courses not on-line, 3/18/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M10 on the marine school approval, 3/18/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M9 on the marine school proposal, 2/25/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M8 on changing the grade or status of a student, 2/11/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M7 on campus security, 2/11/2013
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M6 on guidelines for public/private ventures, 11/26/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M5 on transfer credits required to waive the Discovery Program inquiry requirement, 11/26/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M4 on military credit, 11/5/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M2 on general schools policy, 10/22/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M3 on Writing Committee membership, 9/24/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVII-M1 on UCAPC committee status, 8/27/2012

Summary of Motions from AY 2011-2012

  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M24 on the proposal for a School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering, 5/7/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M23 on the proposed Policy on Interdisciplinary Schools, 5/7/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M22 on representation to the Campus Master Planning Steering Committee, 5/7/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M20 on teaching evaluation form, 4/30/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M19 on cluster hires, 4/30/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M18 on Promotion and Tenure Standards Oversight Committee, 4/23/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M17 on budget detail 4/23/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M21 on faculty status, 4/16/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M16 on electronic courses, 4/16/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M15 on shared governance, 4/16/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M14 on internationalization, 4/16/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M13 on the senate's response to the Inclusive Excellence Report, 4/2/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M12 on the SARRC budget, 4/2/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M11 on the definition of research/scholarship, 3/19/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M10 on e-meritus courses, 3/19/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M9 on UNH credit hour policy, 2/27/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M8 on transitioning to retirement, 2/27/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M7 regarding on-line and January-term course evaluations, 2/13/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M6 on January-term E-learning session length, 1/30/2012
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M5 on the budgetary crisis, 11/28/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M4 on the Academic and Strategic Plans, 11/28/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M3 on course syllabi, 11/14/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M2 on corresponding administrators in the senate constitution, 9/12/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XVI-M1 on the president's legislative testimony, 5/9/2011

Summary of Motions from AY 2010-2011

  • Senate passes Motion XV-M11 on Discovery Program exemptions, 5/2/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XV-M10 on Latin honors, 4/25/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XV-M9 on Form B of the Intellectual Property Participation Agreement, 4/18/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XV-M8 on Library Committee wording in the senate constitution, 4/4/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XV-M7 on graduate and family housing, 2/14/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XV-M6 on the approval process for Institutes, Schools and Centers at UNH, 2/14/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XV-M5 on the Faculty Activity Report Working Group, 2/14/2011
  • Senate passes Motion XV-M4 on establishing a standing committee on instructional technology, 11/29/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XV-M3 on electronic archiving of student academic records, 11/15/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XV-M2 on diversity reaffirmation, 11/1/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XV-M1 on NAVITAS implementation, 9/27/2010

Summary of Motions from AY 2009-2010

  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M16 on no decision now on NAVITAS, 4/19/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M15 on background checks, 4/19/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M14 on open access, 3/22/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M13 on staff benefits and wages, 3/22/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M12 on renumbering of some Thompson School courses, 3/1/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M11 on outcomes assessment, 3/1/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M10 on invitations to administrators during work to rule, 3/1/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M9 on scholars at risk, 2/15/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M8 on call to negotiate, 2/1/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M7 on work to rule, 2/1/2010
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M6 on senate representation for UNH-Manchester, 11/16/2009
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M5 on president's call for civic engagement, 11/16/2009
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M4 on book cost availability, 11/2/2009
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M3 on Student Separation Policy, 11/2/2009
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M2 on January-term course evaluations, 10/19/2009
  • Senate passes Motion XIV-M1 on Human Subjects and Animal Use Policies, 10/19/2009

Summary of Motions from AY 2008-2009

  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M24 on Study Away Policy and Field Trip Guidelines, 5/4/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M23 on the University Institutes Policy, 5/4/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M22 on Misconduct Policy on Scholarly Activity, 5/4/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M21 on thanks to Provost Mallory, 4/27/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M20 on spring semester starting one week later in January, 4/27/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M19 on an academic calendar with equal semesters, 4/27/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M18 on diversity in strategic planning, 4/20/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M17 on two introductory statistics courses, 4/20/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M16 on Thompson School eligibility to submit inquiry and breadth courses, 4/20/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M15 on a shared governance document, 4/20/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M14 on family housing, 4/6/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M13 on electronic devices, 3/23/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M12 on constitution change re Library Committee purview, 3/9/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M11 on Discovery Program Committee, 3/9/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M10 on Discovery Program interdisciplinary attribute, 3/9/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M9 on Discovery Program identity attribute, 3/9/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M8 on Discovery Program core, 2/23/09
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M7 on Blue Ribbon Panel on Research recommendations, 2/9/09
  • Senate passes and then rescinds Motion XIII-M6 on electronic devices, 2/9/09
  • Senate passes Motions XIII-M4 and XIII-M5 on export control and on classified work, 12/1/08
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M3 on Library Committee purview change, 11/17/08
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M2 on the student voter registration challenge, 10/6/08
  • Senate passes Motion XIII-M1 on the foreign language proficiency requirement, 9/8/08

Summary of Motions from AY 2007-2008

Summary of Motions from AY 2006-2007

Summary of Motions from AY 2005-2006

Summary of Motions from AY 2004-2005

Summary of Motions from AY 2003-2004

Summary of Motions from AY 2002-2003

Summary of Motions from AY 2001-2002

Summary of Motions from AY 2000-2001

Summary of Motions from AY 1999-2000

Summary of Motions from AY 1998-1999

Summary of Motions from AY 1997-1998

Summary of Motions from AY 1996-1997

Summary of Motions from AY 1995-1996

  • Academic Senate passes Motions on non-reappointments, alternative budget cuts, shared decisions, and interference on matters up for faculty review, May 13, 1996
  • Academic Senate passes Motions on Thompson School Credit Policy, the University System, calendar issues, and the successor to the Faculty Council, May 6, 1996
  • Academic Senate passes Motion on continued search for a new Dean of the Graduate School, April 8, 1996
  • Academic Senate passes Motions on Bylaws, 1996-97 Faculty Senators, Proposed Calendars, and Library Funding, March 18, 1996
  • Academic Senate passes Motions on Elections, Committees, & Meeting Schedules, March 18, 1996
  • Faculty Caucus passes Motions on Professor Craig, Library Expansion, and Faculty Senate Constitution, December 11, 1995
  • Academic Senate passes Motions on Relationship between Faculty Senate and Academic Senate and Amendment to Writing Requirement, Establish Writing Committee November 27, 1995
  • Faculty Caucus passes Motion recommending that the Academic Senate adopt Faculty Senate Constitution, November 20, 1996

Summary of Motions from AY 1994-1995

  • Academic Senate passes Motions on General Education Requirements and Harassment, May 8, 1995
  • Faculty Caucus passes Motion on Elections to Fill Vacant Seats, May 1, 1995
  • Faculty Caucus passes Motion on Presidential Search, March 6, 1995
  • Academic Senate passes Motion Endorsing Establishment of Faculty Senate, February 20, 1995
  • Faculty Caucus passes Motions on Pre-Search Committee and Caucus Agenda, February 6, 1995
  • Academic Senate passes Motion on Task Force on Harassment, January 23, 1995
  • Faculty Caucus passes Motions on Governance and Harassment Policy, December 5, 1994
  • Faculty Caucus passes Motions on CEPS Faculty Councilor and External Governance, November 28, 1994
  • Faculty Caucus passes Motion on External Governance October 31, 1994
  • Academic Senate passes Motion to reword September 19 senate motion October 17, 1994
  • Faculty Caucus passes Motions on University Governance and Work to Rule, October 3, 1994
  • Faculty Caucus passes Motions on Faculty Senate and Meetings, September 19, 1994