Academic Affairs Committee


The Academic Affairs Committee will concern itself with the University's instructional programs and academic support, including computer and informational services and university advising. 

The chair of this committee should attend meetings as an observer to the Observer role with USNH Educational Excellence Committee.

Corresponding Administrators

Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Kate Ziemer, and the Dean’s Council

Membership 2024-2025

Co-Chair, Clara Castro-Ponce, COLA
Co-Chair, Tyler Jamison, CHHS (fall)
Co-Chair, Nicholas Mian, CPS-M (spring)
Maria Basterra, CEPS
Philippe Kalmogo, CEPS
Ryan Gibson; Karen Van Gundy, fall proxy, COLA
Molly Campbell; Bo Jimenez, proxy, COLA
Deborah Simonton, CHHS
Scott Lemos; Paul Harvey, fall proxy, Paul
Kerry Jankins, spring proxy, CHHS
Student Senate representative, TBD
Graduate Student Senate Representative, TBD 

Agenda Committee Liaisons:

Jeffrey Halpern and Will Smiley

2024-2025 Charges

Standing charges
  • Work with the Registrar’s office to update the rolling UNH five-year calendar including Terms 1 - 5 and J-Term as per Faculty Senate Motion #XX1-M11 and Motion XXVII-M2. Present calendar to Faculty Senate for approval by October.
    • For 2024-2025: Consider benefits and challenges of standardizing summer terms across campuses, departments, calendars, etc. Propose options or updates if necessary.
  • Report to the Agenda Committee on observations from USNH Educational Excellence Committee meetings. The chair of the AAC is the ex officio non-voting observer to this committee. 
  • Monitor and report on the previous year’s J Term, summer, and CPS online course offerings and enrollment. Review and report information about trends and provide recommendations for reducing redundancy and optimizing enrollments across programs and campuses. See Item IX from Senate minutes of April 1, 2013. Present a report to the Faculty Senate by December. 
    • For 2024-2025: Evaluate the results of the pilot program allowing cross-enrollment between CPSO and UNH-Manchester and -Durham in Summer 2024. Consider whether this furthered student success and the academic mission of the university system, and recommend whether this should be continued for summer 2025 and/or indefinitely
Other Charges for 2024-2025 (Charges below are in no order of priority)
  • Review the Student Evaluations of Learning (SELs). Confirm that guidelines are transparent and being followed, especially for rehiring decisions and tenure and promotion cases. Confirm that faculty are aware of the redaction process, and the redaction process protects faculty, including cases such as Freedom of Information requests. Based on lessons learned in the review, suggest changes in the SEL questions and policies. Present recommendations (including a report, motion, or resolution) to the Faculty Senate.
  • Develop a DEI calendar, in collaboration with the Chief Diversity Officer, that educates students, faculty, and administration on timing of major religious holidays and important cultural events. Highlight the events when work is restricted on those dates to inform the community. Develop and present a resolution to support this calendar broadly across campus asking faculty and administration to not schedule major events on work restricted dates. (Example: DEI Calendar - Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Oakland University)
  • Consult with the Senior Vice Provost of the Academic Affairs office on the transition to E3 after closing CIETL and the Professional Development offices. Also, consult on changes to the PDIS program. If needed, present a report or resolution to the Faculty Senate. Identify areas of unmet needs for faculty development & recruitment and retention of faculty and post-doctoral scholars.
  • Review changes in academic policies (e.g., academic integrity policies) that were implemented or updated in the past three years. Outcome of the review could result in providing suggestions for updates or endorsement of the new policies

Note: The Agenda Committee may modify the charges to standing committees and standing committees can request the Agenda Committee to modify the charges at any point during the academic year.

Academic Affairs Committee 2023-2024


The Academic Affairs Committee will concern itself with the University's instructional programs and academic support, including computer and informational services and university advising. 

The chair of this committee should attend meetings as an observer to the Observer role with USNH Educational Excellence Committee.

Corresponding Administrators:  

  1. Provost Wayne Jones
  2. Sr. Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Kate Ziemer, and 
  3. the Dean’s/Provost Council

Membership 2023-2024

Fall Chair, Marion Dorsey, COLA
Erik Berda, CEPS
John DeJoie,  COLA
Pramila Kolekar, COLA
Elizabeth Carter, COLA
Sara Robinson, CHHS; Proxy Elizabeth Harrison
Clara Castro-Ponce, COLA
Liz Brock, COLSA
Nicholas Mian, CPS-M
Susan Drisko Zago, UNH-Law
Scott Lemos, Paul College

Student Senate representative, Molly Tucker 
Graduate Student Senate Representative, TBD 

Standing Charges

Charges for Academic Year 2023-2024 

1. Work with the Registrar’s office to update the rolling UNH five-year calendar including UNH Terms 1 - 5 and J-Term as per Faculty Senate Motions #XX1-M11 and XXVII-M3. Present calendar to  Faculty Senate for approval by October.
2. Report to the Agenda Committee on observations from USNH Educational Excellence Committee meetings.  The chair of the AAC is the ex officio non-voting observer to this committee.  
3. Monitor and report on J Term and UNH online enrollment.  Review and report information about trends. See Item IX from Senate minutes of April 1, 2013  Report by December.  

Other Charges 

1. Work with SVPAA Ziemer to continue review of the redaction process and timing for Student Evaluation of Learning. Specifically, how will redacted information be handled if there are any Freedom of Information requests that include previously redacted information. Present recommendations to senate.  
2. Monitor how the new Student Evaluations of Learning (SELs) are being used across the university – if guidelines are being followed, especially for tenure and promotion cases.   
3. Investigate the need for a diversity calendar on campus that can increase awareness around religious and cultural events. If there is a need, work with the Chief Diversity Officer and their team to create a DEI calendar that includes dates, description of the event, and if work is restricted on those dates to better inform the UNH Community for events and classroom activities. (Example: DEI Calendar - Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Oakland University
4. Evaluate the issues related to the Spring semester in which final grades are due after the AY is completed (and therefore faculty are uncompensated). Are there ways to deal with this using the calendar?  
5. In response to discussions at previous Senate meetings, request that the Registrar publish a public-facing and conveniently located 5-year Academic calendar on a UNH website (for the benefit of faculty, staff, students, and parents.) Provide examples from other universities, as necessary, or suggest requirements.  
6. Work with Student Senate and registrar’s office to identify how the Common Exam Time (Tuesday & Thursday 12:40 pm to 2:00 pm and Thursday 7:10-9:00 pm) is being used. Explore if there are any issues or concerns with Common Exam Time, especially the 7:10-9:00 pm time slot. There is some sentiment that the 7-9 PM time is not working.
7. Test-Optional Admission. The 2019 motion to approve test-optional admission included a requirement that the policy undergo a formal review by the Faculty Senate three years after it is implemented. The committee should verify the start date of the test-optional admission process and, if possible, develop a framework for the report.   

Academic Affairs Committee 2022-2023


The Academic Affairs Committee will concern itself with the University's instructional programs and academic support, including computer and informational services and university advising. 

The chair of this committee should attend meetings as an observer to the Observer role with USNH Educational Excellence Committee.

Corresponding Administrators:  

  1. Provost Wayne Jones
  2. Sr. Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Kate Ziemer, and 
  3. the Dean’s/Provost Council

Membership 2022-2023

Sara Robinson, CHHS, Chair
Funso Afolayan, History, COLA (Fall proxy (Fall proxy Jan Golinski)
Tim Montminy, MCBS, COLSA 
Roy Planalp, CEPS
Mary Schuh, Education, COLA
Susan Drisko Zago, LAW
Scott Lemos, PAUL
Clara Castro-Ponce, COLA
James Krasner, COLA
Student Senate representative (TBD) 
Graduate Student Senate Representative,  Acacia Giberson 

Standing Charges

  1. Work with the Registrar’s office to update the rolling UNH five-year calendar and the UNH E-Term rolling calendar as per  Faculty Senate Motion #XX-M1. Report by October and present to the Senate for approval.
  2. Report to the Agenda Committee on observations from USNH Educational Excellence Committee meetings. The chair of the AAC is the ex officio non-voting observer to this committee.
  3. Monitor and report on J Term and UNH online enrollment. Review and report information about trends. See Item IX from Senate minutes of April 1, 2013  Report by TBD.

Other Charges

  1. Report on the impact of calendar decisions on courses that include labs.
  2. Evaluate the issues related in the Spring semester in which final grades are due after the AY is completed (and therefore faculty are uncompensated). Are there ways to deal with this using the calendar?
  3. In response to discussions at previous Senate meetings, request that the Registrar publish a public-facing and conveniently located 5-year calendar on a UNH website (for the benefit of faculty, staff, students, and parents.) Provide examples from other universities, as necessary, or suggest requirements.
  4. (carryover) Work with UNH’s new Chief Diversity Officer and the Administration to monitor and contribute to UNH’s roadmap for working on issues of racism, diversity, equality, and inclusion. Revisit this charge as necessary based on outcome of discussions with Nadine Petty re: previous charge.
  5. Work with student senate to Identify issues or concerns with Common Exam Time. There is some sentiment that the 7-9PM time is not working.  
  6. Work with SVPAA Ziemer to review the redaction process for student evaluation of learning. Recommend changes. Report to the Senate.
  7. Test-Optional Admission. The 2019 motion to approve test-optional admission included a requirement that the policy undergo a formal review by the Faculty Senate three years after it is implemented. The committee should verify the start date of the test-optional admission process and, if possible, develop a framework for the report. 

Work directly with Kimberly DeRego, Associate Vice Provost Enrollment Management and Marketing. Note that Pelema Ellis has requested that Senate finalize a decision on moving out of pilot to implementation by spring 2022, since applications for fall 2023 arrive in August 2022. Work with Agenda Committee to determine if this change of schedule requires Senate action.

Academic Affairs Committee 2021-2022


The Academic Affairs Committee will concern itself with the University's instructional programs and academic support, including computer and informational services and university advising.  

The chair of this committee should attend meetings as an observer to the Observer role with USNH Educational Excellence Committee.     

Corresponding Administrators:  

  1. Provost Wayne Jones
  2. Sr. Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Kate Ziemer, and 
  3. the Dean’s/Provost Council

Membership 2021-2022

Carole Barnett, Management, Paul College
Deborah Feairheller, Kinesiology, CHHS
Jan Golinski, History, COLA
Tim Montminy, MCBS, COLSA 
Roy Planalp, Chemistry, CEPS (Fall proxy, Rudi Seitz)
Andrew Seal, Economics, Paul College, Chair
Mary Schuh, Education, COLA
Student Senate representative (TBD) 
Graduate Student Senate Representative,  Acacia Giberson 

Standing charges: 

  1. Work with the Registrar’s office to update the rolling UNH five-year calendar and the UNH E-Term rolling calendar as per Faculty Senate Motion #XX-M1, Report by October and present to the Senate for approval. This work was not completed in 2020-21. Therefore, calendars for 25/26 and 26/27 must be presented for approval to the Senate.  
  2. Report to the Agenda Committee on observations from USNH Educational Excellence Committee meetings.  The chair of the AAC is the ex officio non-voting observer to this committee.  
  3. Monitor and report on J Term and UNH online, enrollment.  Review and report information about trends. See Item IX from Senate minutes of April 1, 2013  Report by TBD. 
  4. Review policy proposals and recommendations generated by the UNH-Manchester / Granite State College merger working groups. Create a list with the following 3 sections:  

(1) Yes/Accept. i.e., the policy makes sense as long as UNHM and GSC agree. (2) Maybe/Need clarification. i.e. the committee wants to talk with the UNHM / GSC committee leaders to understand the discussion. (3) Stop/Red flag. i.e. the policy seems like a big change that should be looked at in more depth regardless of what the UNHM / GSC committee leaders say. 

Send the sorted list to the Agenda Committee. To expedite the review process, a two-week turnaround period should be assumed.  

Other charges:  

  1. Work with Registrar to investigate the feasibility of tracking minor degrees in Degree Works (as we do majors).   
  2. In response to discussions at previous Senate meetings, request that the Registrar publish a public-facing and conveniently located 5-year calendar on a UNH website (for the benefit of faculty, staff, students, and parents.)   Provide examples from other universities, as necessary, or suggest requirements.  
  3. (carryover) In consultation with Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) Nadine Petty, prepare and present to Faculty Senate an updated Faculty Statement on Diversity. This new statement will supersede that which currently appears on the Office of Community Equity, and Diversity website (Diversity-VIII-M8 “Statement on Diversity as a Compelling Interest,” March 8, 2004). Consider the following developments in drafting the new/updated statement:  
    1. The 2020 Strategic Diversity Initiatives outlined at the Fall 2020 town halls (see town halls links available on the DEI Initiatives web page) with President Dean and Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) Nadine Petty have superseded UNH’s 2005 Diversity Plan.   
    2. The 2004 definition of diversity and related terms has been updated by a subcommittee of University Commission on Community Equity and Diversity (UCCED), and is available in a document available from CDO Petty.   
  4. (carryover) Work with UNH’s new Chief Diversity Officer and the Administration to monitor and contribute to UNH’s roadmap for working on issues of racism, diversity, equality, and inclusion. Revisit this charge as necessary based on outcome of discussions with Nadine Petty re: previous charge (number 6, above).
  5. (carryover) Consider next steps on the request for the Faculty Senate to endorse the UNH Diversity Statement.  A diversity statement prepared by Nadine Petty was presented to the Senate in Spring 2021, but the Senate did not vote to endorse it.   See Senate minutes from May 3, 2021 
  6. (carryover)  Follow up on the calendar for 2020-2021 to ensure that Indigenous People’s day is listed. 
  7. Identify issues or concerns with Common Exam Time.   When the pandemic common exam time motion was being considered there was a brief discussion about the need for possible long-term changes. See FS minutes from Summer 2020.
  8. Test-Optional Admission. The 2019 motion to approve test-optional admission included a requirement that the policy undergo a formal review by the Faculty Senate three years after it is implemented.   The committee should verify the start date of the test-optional admission process and, if possible, develop a framework for the report. 
    1. Work directly with and Pelema Ellis, Vice Provost, Enrollment Management and Kimberly DeRego, Associate Vice Provost Enrollment Management and Marketing. Note that Pelema Ellis has requested that Senate finalize a decision on moving out of pilot to implementation by spring 2022, since applications for fall 2023 arrive in August 2022. Work with Agenda Committee to determine if this change of schedule requires Senate action.  
  9. Follow up on UNH Concurrent Credit Pilot Program.  The 2019 motion required a formal review 2 years after implementation.  Work directly with Kate Ziemer, Senior Vice Provost, Academic Affairs to request and collect existing/necessary data.  

Motions and Amendments

Academic Affairs Committee 2020-2021


The Academic Affairs Committee will concern itself with the University's instructional programs and academic support, including computer and informational services and university advising. 

The chair of this committee should attend meetings as an observer to the Observer role with USNH Educational Excellence Committee.                                                         

Corresponding Administrators:  

  1. Provost Wayne Jones
  2. Sr. Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Kate Ziemer, and 
  3. the Dean’s/Provost Council

Membership 2020-21:

Chair,  Joe Dwyer, Physics, CEPS
Carole Barnett, Management, PAUL
Erik Berda, Chemistry, CEPS
Rosemary Caron, Health Management & Policy, HHS 
Jan Golinski, History, COLA (Fall proxy, Marion Dorsey)
Jo Laird, Earth Science, CEPS
Tu Lan, Anthropology/Geography, COLA
Subhash Minocha, Biological Sciences, COLSA
Tim Montminy, Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical Sciences (COLSA) 
Student Senate representative (TBD)
Sumeyra Gok Gulmezoglu, Graduate Student Senate Representative 

Standing Charges:

  1. Continue monitoring J-Term and UNH Online. (See Item IX from Senate minutes of April 1, 2013.) Gather information from the Registrar’s office and/or Senior Vice Provost and provide a report annually regarding enrollments, programs, and general comments regarding positives and challenges. Report by October.
  2. Work with the Registrar’s office to review and update the rolling five-year calendar. As per Faculty Senate Motion #XX-M11, we now keep a five-year rolling calendar rather than approving a five-year block calendar in the fourth year of the previous block. Report by October.
  1. Monitor and report on any problems that arise from the implementation of new fully online add/drop procedures put in place due to COVID Fall of 2020. Consider whether the fully online process could be implemented post-COVID to allow for more paper-free processes.
  2. The Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs is working to form an education committee to consider Spring opening in the Yellow COVID mode. Work with this Committee and the Administration and Registrar’s office to identify any changes to the Spring 2021 calendar due to the pandemic.  

Other Charges: 

  1. Review the implementation of previous Faculty Senate actions related to racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as UNH’s 2005 diversity plan (see links inserted below for a record of these actions). Consider the definition of diversity that was approved by Faculty Senate in 2004 and whether this definition or other efforts should be revised and updated for 2020.
  2. Updated 03/21: Monitor efforts by the University Commission on Community Equity and Diversity to review and modify the 2014 University Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion definitions. Present the UCCED definitions and any recommended motions for Senate action.
  3. Monitor and report on the implementation of the University’s Strategic Diversity Plan. Present a report of updates and any recommended motions for Senate action.
  4. Work with UNH’s new Chief Diversity Officer and the Administration to monitor and contribute to UNH’s roadmap for working on issues of racism, diversity, equality, and inclusion at UNH.
  5. Follow up on the calendar for 2020-2021 to ensure that Indigenous People’s day is listed.
  6. Report on observations from BOT Academic Excellence Committee meetings. Provide special attention to efforts that sit with that committee to consolidate some online programming across the USNH institutions.  

Faculty Senate Documents on Diversity 

Academic Affairs Committee 2019-2020 


The Academic Affairs Committee will concern itself with the university's instructional programs and academic support, including computer and informational services and university advising. 

The chair of this committee should attend meetings as an observer to the Observer role with USNH Educational Excellence Committee.

Membership 2019-20

Chair, Joe Dwyer, Physics, CEPS
Patty Bedker, Biological Sciences, COLSA
Erik Berda,  Chemistry, CEPS
Elizabeth Evans, serving as a proxy for Joyce Cappiello, Nursing   HHS
Christopher Kies,  Music,  COLA
Inchan Kim, Decision Sciences, PAUL
Jo Laird, Earth Science,  CEPS
Tu Lan, Anthropology/Geography,  COLA
Vidyalakshmi Sundar, Occupational Therapy,  HHS
Madeline Strange, Student Senate Representative

Corresponding Administrators:  

1) Provost and 2) the Dean’s/Provost Council

2019-2020 Charges

Recurring Charges

  1. Continue monitoring J-Term and UNH Online. (See Item IX from Senate minutes of April 1, 2013.) Gather information from the Registrar’s office and/or Senior Vice Provost and provide a report annually regarding enrollments, programs, and general comments regarding positives and challenges. Report by October.
  2. Work with the Registrar’s office to review and update the rolling five-year calendar. As per Faculty Senate Motion #XX-M11, we now keep a five-year rolling calendar rather than approving a five-year block calendar in the fourth year of the previous block. Report by October.


  1. Monitor the progress of the pilot program spearheaded by UNH-Manchester for dual/concurrent credit courses at Pinkerton Academy and other select New Hampshire high schools. See Motion # XXIII-M19, dated April 4, 2019 and amended.   Provide reports in November and March. 
  2. Review policies and address faculty concerns regarding the use of confidential student course evaluations in investigations of faculty misconduct with the affirmative action office.  If possible, seek proof that all student evaluations are in fact confidential, and if not, by what means students’ identities can be revealed. Review the contents of the AAC’s 2018/2019 final report and continue to work on this charge with a report by November.
  3. Monitor the University’s international recruiting efforts (i.e., GaoKao, Navitas, Shorelight, etc.) and offer guidance on whether to continue these programs and in what way. If time allows, consider whether the admissions criteria for GaoKao could be extended to students of other nations that have similar national tests. Report on the progress of these programs at UNH and also on whether/how the University supports the needs of international students after they have matriculated.
  4.  In connection with Motion #XIX-M17, signed on 09/30/95, on six recommendations regarding the Confucius Institute a) research and report on the terms of the newly signed Confucius Institute contract and b) research and report on whether the requirement for hiring a professor who is not beholden to the Chinese government was met.
  5. Read and comment on preliminary drafts submitted by the Discovery Review Committee.
  6. Grade Inflation. If time allows, examine and report on grade inflation at the University of New Hampshire, both as a whole and by college. Offer guidance, if appropriate, as to how to combat or compensate for it. Using Honors Convocation as an index, we discovered that the number of students receiving high grades is rising precipitously. It may be increasingly difficult to differentiate between students if grades continue to be compressed.
  7. Monitor and offer guidance to the university’s strategic goal of creating a new Honors College. Review the report of the Honors College Committee, and communicate with the Interim Director of the Hamel Honors and Scholars College, as well as any administrative leader charged with implementation of any changes to the program. Report as Needed.

Rationale: President James Dean identified the creation of an Honors College as a top strategic priority in his state of the university address.

Academic Affairs Committee 2018-2019 

Recurring Charges

  1.  Continue Monitoring J-Term and UNH Online. (See Item IX from senate minutes of April 14, 2013.). Gather information from the registrar’s office and/or Senior Vice Provost and provide a report annually regarding enrollments, programs, and general comments regarding positives and challenges.
  2. Work with registrar’s office to review and update rolling five-year calendar.  As per faculty senate motion (AY2017–18), we now keep a five-year rolling calendar rather than approve a block five-year calendar in the fourth year of the previous block. The most recent calendar approved April 2017 goes from AY 2018-19 to AY 23-24.


  1. Review proposal to allow online writing-intensive courses. In consultation with Writing Program Director Ed Mueller (see letter and proposal dated March 29, 2018) and the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, review the proposal for removing the moratorium on online WI courses and make a recommendation on whether to do so or not, and if so, under what parameters.
  2. Work with the registrar’s office, the Vice-Provost for Academic Affair, and the Dean of Students to create an emergency exam policy in case of inclement weather during exam period.
  3. Review proposal by UNH-Manchester to pilot a dual/concurrent credit course at Pinkerton Academy and make a recommendation whether to support such a piloting of the course and create a broader list of advantages and disadvantages whether UNH should invest in this as a whole, in part (UNH-M), or not at all.
  4. Review policies and address faculty concerns regarding the use of confidential student course evaluations in investigations of faculty misconduct with the affirmative action office. If possible, seek proof that all student evaluation are in fact confidential, and if not, by what means their identities can be revealed.
  5. Continue to monitor Admission’s proposal to move to optional standardized testing for undergraduate admissions.
  6. Monitor the GaoKao initiative and offer guidance whether to continue the program, and in what way. If time allows, consider whether the admissions criteria for GaoKao could be extended to other nations’ students with similar national tests.

Standing Charge

The charges from the Agenda Committee shall comprise the major and first-order work of the Academic Affairs Committee. However, the Committee may pursue additional issues in pursuit of its mission, stated above. If the additional issue interferes with the timelines stated in the charges above, the Committee must receive permission from the Agenda Committee before proceeding. If the additional interest does not interfere with the established timelines, the Committee must inform the Agenda Committee.

Academic Affairs Committee Membership 2018-19 

  • Shelley Mulligan, Occupational Therapy, CHHS, chair
  • Briggs Bailey, English, COLA
  • Patty Bedker, Biological Sciences, COLSA (not serving F18)
  • Rose Came, Earth Sciences, CEPS
  • Drew Conroy, TSAS, COLSA
  • Andrew Coppens, Education, COLA
  • Christopher Kies, Music, COLA 
  • Jo Laird, Earth Sciences, CEPS
  • Subhash Minocha, Biological Sciences, COLSA (proxy F18)
  • Sarah Rigg, Agriculture, Nutrition, & Food Systems, COLSA
  • Fatemeh Rahmanifard, GSS representative
  • Carley Rotenberg, Student Senate representative

Academic Affairs Committee Reports (by year)

Academic Affairs Committee Reports (by year)

AAC Report on eTerms through 2023

AAC Navitas Report 2017-2018

AAC Report on Test Optional Admissions 3-30-2018

AAC Summary Report 2018